Translated Bengali Music

Falling in love with a stranger , how do pacify my anguished soul?
Tear drops roll down  my  check heart burns ceaselessly . I will be infamy  once people know of my love.
So, in guise of veil, I cry in solititudes, why have I sailed on the boat of love?
Finding me on the way, calls me in gestures, but utters nothing in words and I bashfully retire.
I was on river’s bank, with pitcher on waist. I repent why I was there at that inauspicious moment?
I care not If I am defamed or out casted, If I get my beloved with my embrace.

Bikrampur, your home is not too far to me . I do offer you  Matal’s broken passionate tunes.

I am bewildered with my debt , my empty stomach burns.
People avoid me if I ask for more debt . Now even water is scarce to me.
My sixteen bigha arable land all grasped by the opportunists. Even my dwelling house is no more. I do not have even a small piece of land anymore.
Now, I think, I’d rather grasp Guru’s lotus fancied feet. But alas! Long ago, before me other have embraced them.

Now, I am thinking of flying in the land where there are not nights or days. O mother! Surrendering the songs to its real owner. Razzaque, the drunk has become a wanderer.


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